Oct 2, 2020 10:15 am
FunctionEX4000 - Legal Issues Management

EX4700 Fraud Reporting and Response

DescriptionRecords documenting the actions to safeguard and protect the University from the loss of university assets and to monitor and improve the University's anti-fraud controls.
Includes records of reports and investigations under the Fraud Policy.
Used For
Not Used ForNot used for faculty grievances, see AD5100.
Not used for non-bargaining unit academic staff grievances, see AD5100.
Not used for staff grievances, see AD5200.
Not used for Internal Audit Department's Quarterly Update Report Appendix B - Fraud Report, see EX1500.
Not used for improper acts reporting, see EX4800.
Not used for security incident files, see OP2400.
Not used for safe disclosure reporting and investigation (Pre-May 2022) , see OP3300.
Records Series
Other Notes
Approval Date21/04/2023

Printed on Saturday, Jul 27 2024