Activity | OP4200 Faculty Office Undergraduate Student Record - Faculty of Arts and Science |
Records Series | 30 - Academic Progress |
OPR | Faculty of Arts and Science |
Description | Records consist of copies of transfer credit, letter of permission, records of studying abroad, performance evaluations, examination results, mid-term marks, narrative evaluations, mark sheets, changes to course registration, adding or dropping courses, special request to the Associate Dean of Studies, and changes of degree program. Note: At any time, Associate Dean of Studies can reclassify a student's academic progress file to OP4200-31 Sanctioned Student Files. |
Retention Trigger | Student graduates or four years without any activity since last registration date. |
Total Retention | 1 year |
Final Action | D |
Disposition Plan | |
Retention Rationale | Retention based on anticipated operational use. |
Vital Records |
This schedule applies to official records in all media. Convenience or duplicate copies of official records are considered transitory and should not be kept longer than necessary, and in no event longer than the official copy.
- AR = Transfer to Archives
- AY = End of Academic Year
- CO = Continuous OVerwrite
- CY = End of Calendar Year
- D = Destroy / Delete
- DP = Special Disposition Plan
- FY = End of Fiscal Year
- OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility
- PIB = Personal Information Bank
Printed on Wednesday, Jan 29 2025