Oct 2, 2020 10:15 am
FunctionOP4000/5000 - Student Records Management

OP4981 Teacher Candidate Practicum Placement - Faculty of Education

DescriptionRecords documenting the placement of students in partner schools for the completion of the teacher candidate practicum at the Faculty of Education.
Includes the practicum registration process completed by consecutive and concurrent education students.

Also includes the assessment of student practicum preferences for determining a suitable placement in associate schools by Practicum Office staff, and the arrangement of certain practica by concurrent education students.
Used ForUsed for the online practicum registration by students, the Practicum Arrangement Form, and the Candidate Background Information Form.
Not Used ForNot used for the administration of the alternate placement.
Not used for the management of school board partnerships.
Not used for the administration of the student practicum.
Records Series
Other Notes
Approval Date03/05/2007

Printed on Friday, Jul 26 2024