Oct 2, 2020 10:15 am
FunctionAD4000/5000 - Human Resources Management

AD4215 Departmental Casual Staff and Volunteer Files

DescriptionRecords documenting the management of casual staff and volunteer files at departmental or unit level.
Includes the work history of casual staff, students employed by Queen's, paid interns (not hired through QUIP), postdoctoral fellows (without an adjunct appointment). Also includes volunteers.
Used For
Not Used ForNot used for biographical data sheets, time sheets and void cheques, see AD4300.
Not used for personnel files of postdoctoral fellows with an adjunct appointment, see AD4210.
Not used for Queen's Undergraduate Internship Program (QUIP), see OP7100 - Career Services.
Not used for Student Work Experience Program (SWEP), see OP7100 - Career Services.
Records Series
Other Notes
Approval Date26/03/2021

Printed on Saturday, Jul 27 2024