Activity | OP3300 Ombuds Services |
Records Series | 31 - Office of the University Ombudsperson Intake Files |
OPR | Office of the University Ombudsperson |
Description | Records consist of inquiries and responses. |
Retention Trigger | The end of the calendar year in which last activity was recorded on file. |
Total Retention | 2 years |
Final Action | DP/D |
Disposition Plan | Intake files involving sexual violence and/or sexual misconduct will be kept for 99 years after the retention trigger, then be destroyed. All other files to be destroyed two years after the retention trigger. |
Retention Rationale | Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B s.16 (1)There is no limitation period in respect of a proceeding based on a sexual assault. |
Vital Records |
This schedule applies to official records in all media. Convenience or duplicate copies of official records are considered transitory and should not be kept longer than necessary, and in no event longer than the official copy.
- AR = Transfer to Archives
- AY = End of Academic Year
- CO = Continuous OVerwrite
- CY = End of Calendar Year
- D = Destroy / Delete
- DP = Special Disposition Plan
- FY = End of Fiscal Year
- OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility
- PIB = Personal Information Bank
Printed on Thursday, Jan 30 2025