Activity | OP2400 Campus Security and Emergency Services |
Records Series | 35 - Use of Force Reports |
OPR | Campus Security and Emergency Services |
Description | Records consist of Use of Force Reports. Information collected includes contact information of licensed employee involved in incident, notifications by licensed business entity, and incident details. |
Retention Trigger | The form is completed or the conclusion of an ongoing investigation, inspection, complaint, court or administrative proceeding, whichever occurred last. |
Total Retention | 2 years |
Final Action | D |
Disposition Plan | |
Retention Rationale | Private Security and Investigative Services Act, Ontario Regulation 434/07 s.1 (2)Every licensed business entity shall retain the records required by subsection (1) for two years or, if any such record is relevant to an ongoing investigation, inspection, complaint, court proceeding or administrative proceeding, until the conclusion of the matter. |
PIB | Yes |
Vital Records |
This schedule applies to official records in all media. Convenience or duplicate copies of official records are considered transitory and should not be kept longer than necessary, and in no event longer than the official copy.
- AR = Transfer to Archives
- AY = End of Academic Year
- CO = Continuous Overwrite
- CY = End of Calendar Year
- D = Destroy / Delete
- DP = Special Disposition Plan
- FY = End of Fiscal Year
- OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility
- P = Permanent
- PIB = Personal Information Bank
Printed on Monday, Mar 31 2025