Activity | AD9100 Local Planning and Operations |
Records Series | 31 - Local Initiatives and Plans |
OPR | Department/Unit |
Description | Records documenting the development, implementation, and monitoring of local initiatives and plans at the university. It encompasses project proposals, business plans, strategic goals, action plans, and progress reports. Records may also include feasibility studies, budgetary allocations, timelines, performance metrics, and evaluations. |
Retention Trigger | Activity concluded. |
Total Retention | Check Final Action and Disposition Plan (if available). |
Final Action | DP/AR |
Disposition Plan | If an initiative or a plan does not proceed, destroy all materials 3 years after the initiative or the plan is abandoned. If an initiative or a plan proceeds, transfer all materials to the Archives 10 years after the initiative or the plan is completed. |
Retention Rationale | Retention based on anticipated operational use. |
PIB | No |
Vital Records |
This schedule applies to official records in all media. Convenience or duplicate copies of official records are considered transitory and should not be kept longer than necessary, and in no event longer than the official copy.
- AR = Transfer to Archives
- AY = End of Academic Year
- CO = Continuous Overwrite
- CY = End of Calendar Year
- D = Destroy / Delete
- DP = Special Disposition Plan
- FY = End of Fiscal Year
- OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility
- P = Permanent
- PIB = Personal Information Bank
Printed on Saturday, Mar 29 2025