Oct 2, 2020 10:15 am
ActivityAD4200 Employee History Files
Records Series

31 - Employee Personnel Files

OPRHuman Resources
DescriptionRecords consist of information pertaining to an employee (staff or faculty) from the date of hire to separation and contain some pre-employment and post-employment information. Includes performance reviews, letters of appointment, leave requests, changes in appointment, disciplinary notations and other employment-related documentation.
Retention TriggerAn employee separates from the University and any legal issues arising from employment at the University are closed by legal counsel.
Total Retention 50 years
Final ActionDP/D
Disposition PlanAt the end of the retention, the following records from employees holding executive level senior administration positions (AVP or AVP-equivalent) to be transferred to the Archives: employment history files and latest C.V. and /or résumé. The rest to be destroyed.
Retention Rationale
Retention based on anticipated operational use.
Vital Records

This schedule applies to official records in all media. Convenience or duplicate copies of official records are considered transitory and should not be kept longer than necessary, and in no event longer than the official copy.


  • AR = Transfer to Archives
  • AY = End of Academic Year
  • CO = Continuous Overwrite
  • CY = End of Calendar Year
  • D = Destroy / Delete
  • DP = Special Disposition Plan
  • FY = End of Fiscal Year
  • OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility
  • P = Permanent
  • PIB = Personal Information Bank

Printed on Monday, Mar 31 2025