Oct 2, 2020 10:15 am
FunctionOP9000 - Teaching and Learning

OP9700 Academic Timetable Management

DescriptionRecords documenting the coordination of people, courses, and physical space for the purpose of creating an annual course timetable at the University.
Includes the participation in the timetabling process by faculties, departments, units and central offices regarding course offerings and teaching assignments and space consideration. Also includes the establishment of timetabling principles and procedures by the University Timetabling Committee; and resolution of appeals regarding timetabling anomalies.
Used For
Not Used ForNot used for exam organization, see OP9800.
Not used for academic calendar coordination, see OP9900.
Records Series
Other Notes Records from the University Timetable Committee reside with the Provost office. Records from the University Timetable Dispute Resolution Committee reside with the Provost office.
Approval Date08/01/2007

Printed on Saturday, Mar 29 2025